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Birthday Themed Murder Mysteries

Are you bored of always playing the same old birthday party games? We have a fun and interactive variety of games for you, your friends and family to play that will liven up any party. From birthday boogies to crime with cake, if you are searching for something different to do for your birthday then browse our birthday party murder mystery activities below.

Need Help Picking the Right Game?

We’ve done our best to order the games by theme. This will help you decide quickly which sort of theme you’d like to run. We’ve also given you the option to search by most popular, number of attendees or by rating. You can also review what people have said about the games by looking at our reviews section and pick one that way.

If you are still unsure where to start, then have a think about the guests you plan to invite first. Get together a list of your likely attendees and look through a few game titles which β€œfloat your boat”. Can you imagine your friends in those character roles? If the answer is β€œyes” then you’ve found the game for you!

When all else fails – feel free to call us for some advice on +44 (0)1472 348909 or email us. We’ve played over half of the games in the catalogue ourselves, and the boss has proofed every single one, so someone in the office will be able to short-cut to the right game for you.

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