Ever since we launched the firm in 2007 we’ve been asked for games to suit odd numbers of players. Not everyone is a “couple” and so hosts natually want to invite their solo friends too.
As a result of this we made the decision in 2020 to make it even easier to help those with odd gender ratios and odd numbers by making it possible to request an odd number of gusets during the check out process, but what if you don’t want to pay the additional fee, or actaully have a game by another firm and want to make the change to an odd number of guests? How do you do it?
How to get a murder mystery game for an odd number of players.
Option 1) Get one player to be the inspector.
The inspector doesn’t have to be the gender we suggest. You can have a female or a male in this role (just adjust the inspector’s first name as appropriate if mentioned in the script.)
This comes free with our games as the inspector script is provided as standard with all dinner party games. However, it is completely interchangeable with the MP3/video so they have no involvement within the game other than to read the scripts which keep the game flowing, and the solution.
Having played inspector a number of times, it’s still as much fun being the inspector and overseeing the party, as it is being a suspect.
With other firm’s check with their customer support whether there’s a script for the inspector in the pack. Many will include an inspector script in case the video or audio breaks, so there’s often a hidden “script” somewhere which means as host you could take that role.
Option 2) Ask us to adjust the game for you.
If you’re ordering from us – then we will set aside the 30-40 minutes to adjust your game at the next available opportunity (usually within 24 hours) and deliver either digitally or as a printed set – the odd number ratio you need.
There’s usually a £25 versioning fee for this unless it’s very bespoke. You can order this on the website as you check out.
We will probably be able to adjust the MP3 files to remove reference to the missing character, but just rarely it’s not possible – we’ll let you know when we adjust the game what to expect. We cannot adjust the video recording as these are all recorded and edited by a 3rd party. To adjust the video files would mean a new recording and editing – and would work out around £500 (More expensive than hiring an actual detective to be at the party with you!) However you can just use the larger number player recording and just ignore references to your missing guest.
Why do we make a charge? Because it’s very rare that someone asks for the same thing twice, so until such time as we have every available option for a game on file – we have to set aside 30-40 minutes each time the amendment is done. Most people do entertain in couples, so it’s only rare that a game has all possible permutations available on the system.
With other firms – the best option is to ask. They my not advertise they have the game in an odd ratio already – so it’s always worth asking, it doens’t cost anything to email, and you may be surprised as it may be available. It’s just not possible to list every possible permutation on a website and make the website easy to “shop”. You have to make a decision and sell the most common variations. So like us, they probably list as even numbers as that’s the most common, but like us – they may have amended their games before. So just reach out and ask.
Option 3) Ask us to fully integrate the inspector role into the plot
It’s possible to create a bigger role for the inspector. When we do this, we move information that was “script reading only” into the Q and A format giving them questions to ask, and answers to give in the rounds like all the other suspects do.
We can also seperate out the solution from their booklet so they don’t know whodunnit and can guess along with everyone else. We do this for £35.
Why would you want someone to take the inspector role?
Well, we think it’s a really good idea if you have a virtual or large party – as it means you’ll have a real person who can keep everything under control a little more, but they’ll still feel involved and will have fun asking and answering questions each round just like everyone else.
Option 4) You can ask someone to play 2 characters.
If everyone wants a suspect role and there is no option to reduce the game (as it’s not one of ours or you don’t want to pay to amend it) then you can simply ask someone to read for two cahracters.
We’ve seen people dress half and half, putting on clothes on one side of their body to suit one character and clothes on the other to suit the other character, painting a moustache on one side, and wearing a hairpiece on the other, and just facing one way or the other depending on which character is talking. We’ve also see people use a puppet or cardboard cut out for the missing guest – that can be quite funny.
Option 5) You can use the smaller size kit and have a couple in a twin role
If you’re trying to avoid customisation fees, then turning a character into a twin is another option. Two people could come as the same guest and take turns answering and asking questions. This is a handy solution if you have a couple who need to run childcare or you have someone who doesn’t want a big part as they can then share it with someone else. Some people split the role so one is the “suspect” and the other just asks questions.
Option 6) Zoom in guest!
Since the pandemic we’ve seen more and more people inviting guests who wouldn’t normally make the party to join via zoom. This means most of your friends will be in the same room, but you have another joining on zoom. This works well if you have a good omni-directional microphone so they can hear everyone talking at the table. This doesn’t work so well if your microphone is uni-directional as most laptops tend to be. Guests need to be able to hear to have fun. So before considering this option – make sure your audiovisual set up is good enough that your friend on zoom doesn’t feel entirely left out.
Always ask!
If you have unusual gender ratios or an odd number of guests, always ask if your needs can be accomodated.
We have always supported our customers since we launched in 2007 and I’m sure other murder mystery firms do the same. So don’t be dissappointed if you can’t find exactly what you are looking for immediately. Instead – ask the question. Is it possible to adjust the game you want to the ratio you need.
With us – the answer is always Yes. It may cost a little more – but we always try to give you want you want as we want you to have the best time possible.